Valley of the Dachshunds - Green - Hip to be Square Greeting Card

Hip to be square, valley of the dachshunds green greeting card
Hip to be square, valley of the dachshunds green greeting card

Valley of the Dachshunds - Green - Hip to be Square Greeting Card


VALLEY OF THE DACHSUNDS - Green - Hip to be Square Greeting Card

Inspired by our artwork that celebrates our local landscape and studio assistant Pretzel who reminds us to enjoy the little things in life - a walk in the park, treasured moments with family.

This card is also available in a gift card set of 5 Valley of the Dachshund cards in orange, blue, brown, green and purple.

The ‘Hip to Be Square’ collection is printed on 300gsm post consumer recycled card and accompanied by 100% recycled Kraft envelope.

Dimensions: 14cm x 14cm

Made in Australia

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